Friday, July 16, 2010


Yesterday was the first day I actually thought I played well in workshop...It was like a culmination of all the classes and lessons so far and it all just worked! I have to remember to keep up my double stops and octaves-there's classical technique for you.

I was asked last night to play violin at a jam session for two groups playing the tunes "Monk's Dream" and "Oleo". It was the only jazz played in that room that night and the band was killin'. I'm still not sure if those rocker-types enjoyed the complex harmonies and rhythms that we provided.

After the jam, we all headed back to my building for yet another jam, this one being in the practice rooms on my floor and lasting for close to three hours. By the end, everyone was sweating as a result of both too many people in a small space, and of the sheer fun and energy we were exerting while playing.

I have my first jazz history class today...wish me luck!


  1. Hi Gabe, I knew you would find your place, good luck G/P

  2. Glad you are Rockin out (aka Jazzin out)Good luck with classes and if you ever need a home cooked meal just holler. Love Mary and Rob

    PS: can't wait for the first consert. :0)

  3. Hey Gabe. Nice opening photo! I can't send you anything unless you send me your address. Glad to see you keeping up on the blog! Love, Mom

  4. Hi Gabe, had a long talk with your mon yesterday and she filled in the gray areas for me.We both knew you would find your nich and grow from there, have fun and learn. Were all very proud of you. G/P If you can get away lets go fishing.
